

Date of Birth: 10th February 2005

Bertha lives in Kaphulkila village, not far from Chinthowa, she is working hard to complete her education under difficult circumstances. Her father died in January 2021, leaving her mother as the family bread winner, she has 3 siblings and now they are finding it difficult to the pay school fees of 10,000 Mkw per term (about £10).
The family have about 2 acres of land and grow maize, soya beans and groundnuts, Bertha helps her mother working the land especially during the planting and harvest times, her day begins before 6:00am and ends long after dark. She attends Kapudzama Secondary School and is in Form 2. The Trust is supporting the family until a sponsor can be found.


If you feel that you would like to help an orphan or would like more information, please contact Brian or Margaret Ingram on 01827 704858.